Web & SEO

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

Search engine optimisation goes hand in hand with your content. Original content that is fine tuned with your product offering is the best approach to ensuring you are ranked above your competitors.

Our fully scalable Search Engine Optimisation packages are bespoke and tailored individually for each client based on their needs. Our key objective is to help you outrank your competitors and improve your website visibility in search results maximising on earned media and exposure for your brand.

We deploy sophisticated SEO tools to analyse your website performance as well as your competitor strengths and weaknesses. Coupled with your content strategy and existing SEO, we are able to devise the optimum SEO plan for your brands growth and success.

Technical and Content Optimisation

Technical SEO optimisation is one of the key pillars of a website’s overall search ranking and forms part of our overall SEO framework.

Our marketing and website development team work jointly on identifying key aspects of your website that need improvement from an SEO perspective. Our teams’ joint expertise ensures that we are able to look at elements such as website load speed optimisation and recommendations, image and content level optimisation, code level optimisation as well as looking at titles, and structured data setups.

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